Baby Program (3-15 months)

The Baby Group
Class duration: 1hr 30min
Day & time: Wednesday 1515-1630
Age: 3-15 months
A small calm group for babies (aged between 3-15months) accompanied by their parent/guardian. We meet weekly for 1h 30min. Your child will be able to interact and explore with specific developmentally designed materials and activities supporting sensory learning and movement. All activities have been created for aiding your child's developmental needs. Parents can get comfortable, have a cup of tea, observe your own children and others, as they enjoy their morning. Topics of interest will be discussed to support you at home and help understand children's development during this exciting stage of their lives.
It's a great opportunity to meet other families, make friends, learn, and enjoy the precious moments with our fast growing little ones without the normal interruptions of daily life.
All classes delivered in English
All classes run during school term times (closed for school/public holidays)
Pricing and schedule
Block 1 2025
Every Wednesday
January 22nd - 16th April (11 weeks includes half term break)
No classes 12th & 19th Feb
Baby Group: 324 Euro
Summer Vacation July/August
* Prices are inclusive of 21% BTW
​* Make up classes are not possible in the baby group

Additional information
Only one parent per child, this is to ensure there is no overcrowding for the children. We really want to make this their space to feel free and safe.
We try to speak with low voices, this keeps the space calm and safe for our little ones and also helps to keep their little voices low.
Each baby program can differ, depending on the group, some groups are easier to have discussions than others, depending on the activeness of the children or noise levels, this will be decided on the day.
Toddler Program (15-36 months)

The Toddler Group
Class duration: 2 hours
Days: Fridays 0930-1130
Age: 15-36 Months
The toddler group is a small interactive group with toddlers accompanied by their parent/guardian. We meet weekly for 2 hours. Your child will be learning through play how to refine their movement and senses whilst developing language and aiding your child's learning through hands on experiences. All activities/materials are designed for your child's size and developmental needs. In this class we follow the child, observing first and learning when to offer assistance, in order to help build confidence, self-esteem as well as concentration. We slow things right down, this allows time to practice dressing, preparing food for themselves, care of their environment, recycling, language, observing the beauty of concentration and so much more.
This group is a great opportunity to meet other families, make friends and learn. Sharing experiences, opportunities to ask questions, gather ways to support your inquisitive learner as well as opportunities to observe the little ones at work. Parents find as their child gets more comfortable in the space and familiar with the materials there is less need for adult guidance. You will see the magic of independence and enjoy watching your child move around comfortably and confidently.
All classes delivered in English
All groups run during school term times (closed for school/public holidays)
Pricing and schedule
Block 1 2025
Every Friday
January 24th - 18th April (11 weeks includes half term break)
No classes 14th & 21st Feb
Toddler Group: 384 Euro
Summer Vacation July/August
* Prices are inclusive of 21% BTW
​* Make up classes are not possible in the baby group

Additional information
Only one parent per child, this is to ensure there is no overcrowding for the children. We really want to make this 'their' space to feel free to explore.
We start each class with a greeting and handshake at the door. We end with song time to bring the group together, which also helps the children connect that this is the end of class, giving a smoother exit.
To help with their need for order and consistency at this age, the materials will always be in the same place each week; each term there will be a rotation of some language, fine motor, puzzles etc. but the main materials will remain in place every session.
Activities are displayed in a way that the child can work it out for themselves although activities will be presented when needed. All materials are placed on low shelving. They are displayed at the child's eye level on trays or baskets easy for them to carry to a table or a mat. Once they are finished they learn by observation and guidance to return what they have used back to its place, ready for the next child.
You will notice there is only one of everything, your child can spend as long as they like with one activity. Children learn patience and how to navigate in their little community.
Pre school program (3-4 years of age)

The Pre School Group
Class duration: 2 hours
Age: 3-4 years
The pre school program is for children between 3 - 4 years of age.
It’s an interactive safe small group attended by parent/guardian (one adult only) and their 3-4 year old. We meet once per week for 2 hours. Your child is free to explore a range activities and materials suited to their current developmental needs. This program focuses on preparation for school, independence, practical life activities, continuation on language materials, further development of fine motor skills to support writing, gentle introduction to some school subjects, food preparation, working together in a community setting practicing grace and courtesy with their peers. This is all done in the form of play with a light structure in place.
It is a great opportunity to meet other families, make friends, learn, and to bonding with your child without the normal interruptions of daily life while supporting your child before they start school.
All classes delivered in English
All groups run during school term times (closed for school/public holidays)

Additional information
Only one parent per child, this is to ensure there is no overcrowding for the children. We really want to make this 'their' space to feel free to explore.
We start each class with a greeting at the door. We end with song time to bring the group together, which also helps the children connect that this is the end of class.
This class is ideal if your child attended the Toddler Program but not essential. Children who have attended the Toddler Program will be familiar with the lay out of the room, there will be activities from the Toddler Program still in place which will help your child connect with the environment and give a sense of familiarity. This is a chance for your child to start to master previous activities, some will have an extension of learning and there will of course be new activities to further their skills and development. Children of this age are starting to look for connection with their peers, prior to this children work mainly on their own but as they grow they may well prefer to collaborate. We still respect children’s work to be their own but as communication is easier at this age, your child can also choose to work with others.
This class is to prepare children for school, gaining more independent, choice and working as a community.
Bespoke Toddler Class (one 2 one)

Bespoke Toddler Class (one 2 one)
Class duration: 1hr 15 min
Age: 15-36 months
Price: 85 euro per class
The bespoke toddler class is a one 2 one class where one or both parents
attend with their child. Children will have access to the entire classroom just like a normal Toddler Program but solely for themselves. The purpose for this maybe for parents who are not able to attend an entire block but would like to experience the program and gain more knowledge about the Montessori philosophy. There is more time for questions and practice and explanations of how and why we do things a certain way using the Montessori method. Or you may have your own concerns for your child coming into a community environment and would like to see first how this all works through experiencing it in action. What ever your reason is, this option is available to parents and their child. This can be one ore more classes and tailored to your needs after consultation with Syleste.
With this class you will be able to choose 4 handouts from 21 common topics of interest to take away. These are all based on Montessori theories which give some theory and tips on developmental support, such as separation anxiety, functional independence, respectful toilet learning, language etc.
To book a bespoke class email Syleste directly
All classes delivered in English
All groups run during school term times (closed for school/public holidays)