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Q: What language are the classes held in?

A: English only


Q: How old does my child need to be to enrol?

A: There are classes for children aged between 3 months.- 4 years


Q: My child is just over 4 years old can I still enrol them?

A: Unfortunately not, many of the activities may no longer be age appropriate or no longer meet their developmental needs.


Q: How do I enrol?



Q: Is there a waiting list?

A: Yes, we try to keep the classes small. There will be a new enrolment for each block.. Enrolled families are offered places first then any openings are offered to those on the waiting list.


Q: What times are the classes?



Q: How many children in one class?

A: 9 in Toddler class, 12 in a baby class (with there parent/guardian)


Q: What does it cost?



Q: Can I get a trial class?

A: We don’t run trial classes but we will have open days. Or make an appointment to meet me and see the space (these are done without children present)


Q: Can I view the space?

A: Yes but this must be done by appointment only.


Q: How many people can I bring with me to class?

A: Only one adult per child in the class, this is to allow space for the children so that it doesn’t feel overcrowded for them.


Q: Can I bring other children with me if I have a toddler enrolled?

A: Only if your baby is under 4months old.


Q: Can I drop my child off and collect them at the end of the session?

A: No, a parent/guardian must accompany their child throughout the duration of the class.


Q: How do I contact you?

A: By email, by text or you can book a one to one - CONTACT


Q: Are you a playgroup?

A: We are not a play group in the conventional sense, there is some structure to the classes. The child leads the way and the focus is on our little ones.  


Q: If I can no longer attend, can I get a refund?

A: Unfortunately not, once you enrolled, terms and conditions agreed you cannot be



Illustration 10.png

Please, find here our terms and conditions in English

Please, find here our terms and conditions in Dutch

Illustration 15.png
The Montessori Village playgroup for under 3 year old in Haarlem
The Montessori Village playgroup for under 3 year old in Haarlem
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